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Forum » Solar Energy » What's the alternative for a solar system?
Topics: What's the alternative for a solar system? on Solar Energy
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Emily Hois
02-13-2014 01:40 AM

What's the alternative for a solar system?

If your home, business or property is unsuitable for a solar system, what's the alternative? Trees, skylights, roof structures and upfront costs can all create barriers to installing a rooftop solar system. Community-owned solar eliminates these obstacles, while allowing solar advocates to own their panels without replacing their roofs, cutting down trees or performing any required maintenance.
02-13-2014 04:17 AM
Top #2
David Hammes
02-13-2014 04:17 AM
Emily, this is a wonderful solution you offer.
What are the drawbacks and limitations to taking this approach everywhere?
Director, Americas
02-13-2014 06:28 AM
Top #3
Marc Greenfield
02-13-2014 06:28 AM
I think this is a terrific idea too. If anyone wants to build structures to hold the panels up, whether they be carports or ground mounts, I'd be happy to help with the design, materials and installation of those structures. Panels and electrical work by others.
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