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Ryan Song
02-22-2014 10:08 PM

Solar project saving - solar panel choice.

Hi dear all, can you please provide some estimates (base on your experience on solar project) on what is the ratio for the solar panel cost in the whole projects investment (inverter, mounting and labor). Australian professional welcome to provide your opinion.

If high efficiency rate solar panel (HIT) can save project investment or lower efficient rate low cost solar panel?

Will thin film a better choice?

Perlight Solar has put 205W into a panel size 1580*808. Is this good enough for solar project?

Please provide your opinion

Thanks heaps

Ryan Song 
02-23-2014 01:06 AM
Top #2
René Borro
02-23-2014 01:06 AM
Hello Ryan,
we sell a 750kWp plant for € 2750/kWp total price. We use 245Wp modules 1650*1000.
SMA tripower inverters and a free land system. A HIT or Sunpower module doesn't save cost due to a high Wp-price for the module.
Split up: modules 65%, inverters 10%, free land system 14%, DC wiring etc. 3%, Ac side 8%, monitoring system 0,08%, transportation cost 0,08%. In the free land system and dc/ac wiring are installation cost included.
Note that the module prices went up with +/- € 0,25/Wp, normally we sell for €2500/kWp.
Hope it is useful.
Rene Borro 
02-23-2014 03:20 AM
Top #3
02-23-2014 03:20 AM
Hello Ryan ,

We are Panel manufacturers from Hongkong . I sell Sungen Panels in India and Near East . Sungen H.K is doing al ot of projects in Australia as well . Now to ans your questions
1. the cost of Panel is about 50-60% of the total EPC cost .
2. You choose a type of panel with respect to the Performance Ratio . In the Hotter areas where the ambient temp goes more than 40-45 deg c you should ideally use Thin Film as the performace under high temp is quite better than poly or mono and also they have better aborption of Diffused light , so the condution period is more .

3. the High efficiency and low efficiency panels would only increase or decrease the land area required . For calculation purpose over the time and Calculationg NRR you need to see the PR of the Panel .

4. Panel size does not matter so much as the Perofrmance ofthe panel in diffuced light , High temp , low temp, low light etc . The ratio of Rated output vs real ouput is what matters . Ultimately its the cost of Generation per wp that is valuable to you . year after year .

hope this ans some of your queries
02-23-2014 05:36 AM
Top #4
Ryan Song
02-23-2014 05:36 AM
Thanks Mr Verdia for your comments. Also thanks Mr Borro again. Appreciate a lot. Ryan Song
02-23-2014 08:01 AM
Top #5
Peter Petroni
02-23-2014 08:01 AM
Ryan, you need to do the following:
1. Determine your kW requirements of the system user
2. Determine your solar irradiance potential in kWh
3. Determine your array physical footprint and what is available in terms of roof/land space
4. From the above information you can work towards choosing a PV module that best fits your needs to meet your kWh demands

My best advice to you is to not use thin film, unless absolutely necessary. While less expensive, it has many flaws and no track record over 5+ year installation.

I agree panel temperature (not weather temp) is a concern, but very minor derating factor, as compared to others (voltage drop, manufacturer Voc, mismatch, soiling, and shading).

No matter what anyone says the economics over the lifespan of a grid tied (without batteries) system are best using mono/poly crystalline modules at this point of product development.

Remember, learn from other people's pain and you'll do fine.


02-23-2014 10:16 AM
Top #6
Ryan Song
02-23-2014 10:16 AM
Thanks Peter for your comment and suggestion. Have a great day
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