Forum » Solar Energy » Solar Module Lamination Cycle Time Optimization
Topics: Solar Module Lamination Cycle Time Optimization on Solar Energy
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Er.Jeyakumar Natarajan.MS.
12-31-2013 01:21 PM
Solar Module Lamination Cycle Time Optimization
Dear Solar Experts, Solar Module Lamination Cycle Time Optimization- Is it good process or not?
12-31-2013 03:22 PM
Top #2
Uday Varde
12-31-2013 03:22 PM
Optimize the lamination cycle is necessary to obtain the most robust and product with maximum efficiency. It does not matter what solar technology you are looking at. If the process consusts of lamination then obtimization is necessary.
12-31-2013 05:26 PM
Top #3
M Raja Reddy
12-31-2013 05:26 PM
Lamination is on of the critical processes and one time process. The survival of solar module in the filed depends on how good is the lamination. Solar module lamination cycle time depends on the laminating materials and laminating process. Lamination optimization cycle time depends on the solar PV type wafer based or thin film and the lamination materials.
12-31-2013 07:34 PM
Top #4
Er.Jeyakumar Natarajan.MS.
12-31-2013 07:34 PM
Now we look Crystalline solar module lamination process.
As we know,Lamination process depends on EVA.Now a days in Market 3 types of EVA.1.Standard EVA.2.Fast cure EVA 3.Ultra Fast Cure EVA.
Supplier says that for 1st EVA 10+20 minutes(Lamination+curing) , 2nd EVA 13minutes(Lamination). 3rd EVA 8 Minutes only.
And also Gel Content is >75% to <90%.For getting more gelcontent, i need to optimise the Lamination process.
Please give your comments,the above cycle time is suitable or Not?
12-31-2013 10:21 PM
Top #5
Uday Varde
12-31-2013 10:21 PM
You need to understand the material cure properties for each type of EVA materials both independently and in the stack. You also need to corelate these with the final properties of your laminate.
01-01-2014 01:06 AM
Top #6
Er.Jeyakumar Natarajan.MS.
01-01-2014 01:06 AM
Yes Mr.Uday.
Thanks for your your valuable comment.
Laminate quality will be checked in terms of Air bubbles,Delamination and Adhesion Strength.
No Air bubbles and No delamination in my low cycle time.Adhesion strength is >70N/cm. Is it ok? or need More.
Is there any test for checking laminate quality?
01-01-2014 04:01 AM
Top #7
Uday Varde
01-01-2014 04:01 AM
It is unique for each different laminate. You should establish you own "Critical Parameters". You should know they are not universal.