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Forum » Variable frequency drive » Lenze 8200 vector drive
Topics: Lenze 8200 vector drive on Variable frequency drive
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Junaid Abdussalam JP
09-27-2013 07:14 AM

Lenze 8200 vector drive

Frequency Threshold Qmin parameter of a Lenze 8200 vector drive is 3, 0.1Hz. What it means??
09-27-2013 09:18 AM
Top #2
Rebecca Adams
09-27-2013 09:18 AM
Terrence, I am interested in receiving additional information and attending the webinar.
Thank you!
09-27-2013 12:15 PM
Top #3
Peter Thuer
09-27-2013 12:15 PM
Hello Junaid, did you receive an answer to your "Qmin-Question"? You can set this threshold in parameter C0017. From the software manual I see that the firmware will produce various boolean outputs telling you if the actual frequency is above or below this threshold. This is for your convenience and probably the only purpose of the Qmin.
For example you could use the Qmin-threshold to set the relay output high whenever the output frequency is below 10Hz. I hope this answers your question. Regards Peter
09-27-2013 02:36 PM
Top #4
David Murillo
09-27-2013 02:36 PM
The best of Lenze in his equipment as 8200, as well as SMD or SMV, is the simple and intuitive that they are. Only, reading the manual you are able to program them.
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