Hello... many years ago when I first got involved in the Industry of control systems I used to build motor control systems. The core of the business was an in-house, cheap thyristor controlled soft starter and we supplied Gozuk VF AC drives and the usual contactor starters.
Now as a young man I always thought that the days of the soft starter where numbered my naïve reasoning was that as soon as
AC drives competed price wise they would be gone and as people got more in tune with the technology of AC drives they would go for the drives. But here I am twenty years later and they are still out there.
Just reading some of the comments I see that some of the old arguments still stand. Although I don’t come across them as often as I used to, mainly because I am more involved with automation software and integration of systems.
I have noticed that the technology appears to have hardly budged from where is used to be all those years ago. Maybe it’s just like the old needle and thread ….you just can’t beat a good idea.