When designing gate drivers for IGBT's, how reliable are the gate driver IC's ? Now there are a lot of gate driver IC's available in the market. For example i am using the Hybrid IC M57962L for driving IGBT's for 3 phase inverter application. The peak output current of this Hybrid IC is 5A and it's written in data sheet that it can be used for driving IGBT's up to 200A, 1200V and many features in it.
In a balanced 3-phase system with pure sine waves, the neutral current is zero, ideally.
If there is phase imbalance, it shows up in the neutral, so check for imbalance.
The other major cause of high neutral currents is full wave rectification, where the current of each phase is flowing only at its peak voltage. In this case, the neutral current can be as high as three times the phase currents, theoretically.
If there is phase imbalance, it shows up in the neutral, so check for imbalance.
The other major cause of high neutral currents is full wave rectification, where the current of each phase is flowing only at its peak voltage. In this case, the neutral current can be as high as three times the phase currents, theoretically.
What are the general guide lines for snubber circuit design in Inverter applications? When i referred the literature for snubber circuits for IGBT protection i found that we can either go for "individual" snubber circuits ie across each device or we can go for Lump snubber circuits connected between the power supply bus and ground for centralised protection.
There are different types of system configuration for grounding like TT,IT,TN-C etc. How do we decide which configuration is suitable for the particular inverter (string or central). What are the factors that help us to decide the configurations?
This is a finite element analysis tool for various applications.
In power we get the voltage (stress) distribution in equipment like cables, bends in cables etc including stator winding of generators.
Before you select kind of cable for your consumer, you need to calculate expected operating current of cable which depends from rated power of your consumer. After that, before you select kind of cable for your consumer, you need to check size of cable which needs to satisfy next conditions:
Dell D630 - it is the best laptop for field use I have used. And for some applications standard RS232 port is a must. We have Freja 300 test set which totally refuses to communicate with PC via widely available cheap USB-to-serial adapters. The only usable adapter I have found is semi-industrial type, costing about 50 Euro. Not that a price is so much concern, but it is not very convenient to deal with additional boxes, power supply units for them, etc. when commissioning at field.
I am trying to develop a controller for switched reluctance motor which minimizes torque ripple. My design is acquiring torque ripple information from speed signal. In simulation a high pass filter for speed gives me good ripple information. But in experiments I am using a 500 PPR optical absolute encoder to get the position and then calculate the speed using microcontroller (dspace) capture module. But the filtered speed signal does not provide much ripple information.
A lighting control panel will have mostly single-pole breakers with phase-to-neutral branch circuits feeding lighting circuitry. There is the added possibility of having either 'smart' breakers or integral contactors included on the branch circuits to allow for a control means for area lighting beyond local control of an individual fixture/small group of fixtures, such as an office or conference room.
I want to know just what the surge impedance loading (SIL) is but its relevance towards the improvement of stability and reliability of a power network especially an already existing one with various degrees of low voltages and overload situations?
For now I am working on a mining project which involves starting two SAG mills, the method of starting these mills is by rotor resistance and likewise we are using an energy recovery system (SER), could someone tell me how this system works SER? Each mills have two motors of 8000 kW at 13.8 kV.
As far as the cables insulation material is concerned, EPR and XLPE insulated cables to some extent are having similar properties. In this respect, there are different types of Electrical cables such as ETFE ,FP, HOFR , LSF,LSOH, MI, PILC, TRS, VR, CTS, CSP, PTFE, etc.

Like pumps, fans consume significant electrical energy while serving several applications. In many plants, the VFDs (variable ...
A frequency inverter controls AC motor speed. The frequency inverter converts the fixed supply frequency (60 Hz) to a ...
Motor starter (also known as soft starter, motor soft starter) is a electronic device integrates soft start, soft stop, ...
Soft starter allows the output voltage decreases gradually to achieve soft stop, in order to protect the equipment. Such as the ...
Soft Starter reduces electric motor starting current to 2-4 times during motor start up, reduces the impact to power grid during ...

In Discussion
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Inductors with high volts-per-turn
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Need help in Buck Vs. Flyback
Continuous process plant controls the plant without manual operations
Transformer electricity path
Insulating resistance calculate in open circuit
Low cost controller with integrated switch